Raising Financial Freedom
Raising Financial Freedom
Building FinLit Reflex: Instinctive Financial Literacy for the Next Generation
#049 In this enlightening episode of Raising Financial Freedom, we dive into the concept of "FinLit Reflex" – the instinctive financial knowledge and behaviors that can transform how the next generation manages money. Join us as we explore how parents can instill these crucial skills early in childhood, ensuring their children grow into financially savvy adults capable of navigating the complexities of today's consumer-driven world. Discover practical strategies for embedding financial literacy into everyday life, making it as second nature as common courtesy.
- Download Our Free eBook: Visit Dollar and Sense bundle to download "Money Matters for Busy Parents: Bite-sized Wisdom for Financial Success," complete with digital flashcards and a budget planner for kids.
- Read our full article on Fin-Lit Reflex
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Remember, as a parent, you are the first and last teacher your child sees every day. Start early, set the foundation, and watch them thrive financially forever.
Paycheck to paycheck. That's how most Americans live and probably how most of the world lives also. But there are many people and organizations that's trying to tackle this problem. But we here at Raising Financial Freedom and at Nurturing Finance believe we should be attacking the problem at the very beginning. One of the core messages that we preach is FinLit Reflex. Now, what is FinLit Reflex? It's basically developing instinctual financial knowledge and behaviors. Basically making financial literacy secondhand nature. So what's coming up is how can this change and mold the next generation? How can you, the parent, tap into it? And what action steps can
you take with FinLit Reflex? So hit the music and let's get into this. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have it all financially? Do well-off parents simply hand their children money? Or is there more to this wealth thing? Welcome to Raising Financial Freedom, the podcast. We are here to talk about how to raise financial freedom. About everything you never knew to teach your children when it comes to starting their financial future. The principles behind wealth and methods that are out there to teach your child about personal financial freedom. There is no real trick to earning other than learning. We are here to discuss, teach and grow with you. Raising Financial Freedom, the podcast. With your host and concerned parent, Eric Yard. Let us get right into today's show.
Welcome back to Raising Financial Freedom. As the year closes out and the holidays are upon us, the economy is not at its best right now, but we may do. With the majority of Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck, the time to make better financial decisions is right now, but they won't. Even if they knew in the back of their mind, they should be doing something better, they still won't. Because they was not taught it. Currently at the present moment, schools are teaching one class for financial literacy. And that's also just over half of the states that are mandated to teach these classes. But it's only one class that is mandated to teach these classes, Now think about that one class, that only that one class going up against billions and billions of dollars in marketing. Now let's think about it. TV, radio, papers, magazine, emails, social media, other people, word of mouth, your phone are all platforms that big business eat in order to get you to buy in the morning, night, evening whenever. Just buy.
Just can't work that now the problem is right at the beginning right at the beginning you start going to school literacy should be taught to everyone at every grade level at the end of the day the schools are not going to do it but you know who the onus now falls on the parents we as parents need to build up that other side where our child knows to save instinctually knows to budget on the regular knows to take some money and invest here at Raising Financial Freedom and Nurturing Finance we call that having FinLit Reflex now what is FinLit Reflex well basically it's the financial skills becoming so ingrained and becoming automatic that you apply it to your everyday life without you even knowing and for us here at Raising Financial Freedom we believe this is what parents should shoot for due to the fact of the type of environment that we live in so picture your child becoming an adult age and instinctually they make the right financial decisions that will best suit their life it's the same thing when you discipline them them being courteous talking walking and acting in a certain way was all guided by you the parent look at FinLit Reflex as the guidance for them in this financial world now picture your child reacting to financial emergencies in their life the correct way or adapting and making changes to their finances because of the economy having our children build FinLit Reflex instincts is what's needed to counter react what big business is trying to train our children to do now once again this is the same thing when you're trying to teach your children to be courteous in a certain way dress a certain way eat the right things good foundation in order to be the type of adult you imagine them to be now we just need to add some FinLit Reflex in on that same plate because as parents we all want to see our children do well financially so now you ask how early do you start well you start early as possible having time on your side is the main point to this when you think about it they're going to go out into the world at the age of what 18. so starting early is definitely key the other part of finland reflex is repetition need repetition in order to make this so ingrained into them that it becomes automatic to the point where it becomes instinctual like not putting your hand into a hot stove when your child has a good instinctual financial response and we all know you can't build a good house within 15 minutes how are you supposed to spend your time if you're not Out. Now, this is the core message of Raising Financial Freedom and Nurturing Finance. We want all the children out there to have a free fix in order to deal with the financial world. So where can you go to find out how to do this? Well, you could start here at podcasts like Raising Financial Freedom and other podcasts like it. You can also go to nurturingfinance.com and get our free book, Money Matters for Busy Parents, Bite-sized Wisdom Financial Success. It also comes with flashcards and a budget planner for it. A link to the free ebook, Digital Flashcards and the Digital Budget Planner for Kids will have a link in the show notes. We are calling it the Dollar and Cents Bundle. We also have a link to a full article on Finlet Reflex that will also be in the show notes for subscribing to our email newsletter on Nurturing Finance. Now, no matter what you decide to do, our main point and goal here today was to make sure that you as the parent try to make Finlet Reflex a part of your child's life. To wrap this up now, like I always say, the first teacher in the morning and the last teacher at night that your child see is
you, the parent. Remember, start early so they could thrive forever. We really hope you enjoyed this episode of Raising Financial Freedom, the podcast. Stay connected with us directly through raisingfinancialfreedom.com. You can also join the discussion on social media, which you can also find links in the description below. If you want to learn more about raising financial freedom, you can find links on our website. If you would like to speak with us, please send us an email through info at raisingfinancialfreedom.com. And as always, thank you for pushing your mindset towards a better reality. This concludes the most thought-provoking portion of your day. Don't forget to please like and subscribe to stay fully up to date. Until next time, be kind to yourself and each other.