Raising Financial Freedom
Raising Financial Freedom
Start Your Kids Early in Real Estate For Success!
#036 Dan shares that he has repeatedly made failed attempts at getting schools around him to make personal finance classes a requirement for graduation and explains the reasons. The first reason is that the public school system is severely underfunded across the country, and making changes to the curriculum would require money. Secondly, most politicians focus on the data that is available on student performance which does not include personal finance; hence it is relegated to the background. Additionally, the older generations who now make most decisions in places of authority believe they turned out successful even if they didn't have financial education growing up, and so do not see it as a necessity. Lastly, the decision-makers in most learning institutions also foresee that adding personal financial classes to the curriculum would eventually increase the amount of work on their plate, while they are already overworked this would be detrimental to them.
For complete show notes go to RaisingFinancialFreedom.com
- "It is a huge disservice to our youths that we don't have more personal finance education in schools"
- "We are a financially illiterate country"
- "If we were a financially literate county we would be in a much better place"
- "Reaching Financial Independence in your 40s, 30s or even 20s is absolutely doable with the right strategies, tactics, and mindset"
In This Episode:
· [02:46] Meet today's guest, Dan Sheeks.
· [03:22] Why do you think school systems don't have in-depth classes on personal finance?
· [07:08] What would the world look like if the regular child was given personal finance classes?
· [09:02] Why did you choose Real Estate?
· [10:05] How can parents teach their children about Real Estate?
· [10:42] Discussing Passive Income in Real Estate.
· [11:52] House Hacking and the "BRRRR" Method.
· [17:16] How can a parent pull the veil away from Real Estate?
· [20:27] The "Sheeks Freak Group".
· [24:10] What are the hidden pitfalls in Real Estate that prevent young adults from succeeding?
· [27:10] What is the best piece of advice you can give a parent to get their child involved in Real Estate?
· [27:15] How to contact Dan
Instagram: Dsheeks
Email: dan@sheeksfreaks.com
Links Mentioned:
- Dan’s Website: www.sheeksfreaks.com
- Check out our website: https://raisingfinancialfreedom.com/
- Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RaisingFinancialFreedom
- Like us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RF_Freed
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[00:00:00] Eric: When you was a child and your parents had to pay rent or mortgage, you knew nothing about it. You just knew that something like that was just over your head. Then when you became a teenager, you knew it took certain maneuvers and a lot of money in order to own a house. I am here to say that we need to wipe away that stigma and replace that with the current.
[00:00:22] Knowledge. That is the main tool. When real estate investing knowledge, your child could be on their way to owning their own house much earlier than you did. And if they want, they could own multiple houses. Now through the decades, real estate has made a lot of people financially free or millionaires. So tell me this, why can't your child have that option available?
[00:00:50] This is the question we'll answer today and learn strategies that your child can implement in order to own their first house [00:01:00] or houses. My guest today, Dan SHEEKS is going to help us answer these questions and help us unpack this for all the parents listening. Now, Dan is a high school teacher who has been teaching financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and walking for a couple of decades.
[00:01:18] But one of his passions that he does with his wife is real estate investing. Whether it's multi-family single family or Airbnb, Dan does it. He also has a SHEEKS freak group that helps specifically teenagers get involved in real estate and make correct and intelligent money decisions. You know, I'm excited for just that part alone enough is enough.
[00:01:44] Let's get into this.
[00:01:48] Host daughter: Come on dad, stop playing around and play the music.
[00:01:51] Eric: Shit. Tough crowd.
[00:01:58] Introducer: Have you ever [00:02:00] wondered why some people seem to have it all financially do well off parents simply hand their children. Or is there more to this welfare? Welcome to raising financial freedom. The podcast, we are here to talk about everything you never knew to teach your children when it comes to starting their financial future, the principles behind wealth and methods that are out there to teach your child about personal financial freedom.
[00:02:22] There was no. To earning other than money, we are here to discuss, teach and grow with you. Raising financial freedom, the podcast with your host and concern parents, Eric yard. Let us get right into today's show.
[00:02:42] Eric: Welcome everyone to a another show of raising financial freedom today, I would like to welcome Dan SHEEKS.
[00:02:57] Dan: Dan welcome. Alright, Eric, thanks for having not a
[00:02:59] Eric: [00:03:00] problem, Dan, how are you doing today?
[00:03:02] Dan: Doing fantastic. Thanks. Living the dream. And I hear you. I
[00:03:07] Eric: definitely hear you on that note. I got you on the show today because I want the parents to try to be a little bit more diligent when it comes to the financial literacy.
[00:03:17] And especially when it comes to the asset class of real estate. Now, in your opinion, why do you think that the school system. I don't have an in-depth classes in personal finance on a regular basis.
[00:03:33] Dan: Yeah, we could, we could go on that alone, Eric, but I will keep it brief first. I'll say, I think it's a huge disservice to our youth that we don't have more personal finance education in our schools.
[00:03:47] The fact is we, don't the reasons why, and this is coming from somebody I've taught in public schools for 19 years. I've taught business classes, including personal finance, and I've been advocating [00:04:00] for personal finance education for a number of years now, trying to get my own school and my own school district to make a personal finance class they requirement for graduation to, with no success, I've hit a brick wall.
[00:04:14] More than once with that proposal. And when I think about it, there's not just one reason why it's not happening. There's more than one reason and I'll list a few in no particular order. One is money. And that might be the biggest one. Our public school system, our public education system is severely underfunded across the country.
[00:04:36] I think everyone knows that. And so changing anything that's going to require more is going to also require more money and still districts and schools just don't have the money. Second is politics. The people who make the decisions tend to. Favor decisions that show up in data. And right now in our school systems, your core subjects, math, science, reading, social [00:05:00] studies, writing, those are the topics that are tested.
[00:05:05] And so those are the topics that show up in data, personal finance doesn't fit in. And so the people who make the decisions who want to get reelected, they focus on the data and that's not personal finance. Another reason is the systemic problem is that all of the generations didn't have this education in schools.
[00:05:25] So the decision makers who are by and large successful, they have they're highly educated. They have good jobs. They didn't have personal finance education when they were young in high school. And they look at their life and they say, I turned out. Okay. So personal finance education must really not be that important because look at me.
[00:05:45] I did. Okay. And so they think if I didn't need it and I'm still successful, then it's really not, that doesn't need to be required. And then the last reason I think is because the decision maker. If they were to implement a policy that said [00:06:00] personal finance would be a requirement, that's just going to add more work through their plate.
[00:06:05] I'm talking about superintendents and school principals, and they are already over where. As our teachers. And so you add all that up and it's a really tough, I
[00:06:16] see,
[00:06:16] Eric: I feel that education is a place where as time goes by, it needs to upgrade. And I foresee if you implement personal finance, uh, economics, On a regular basis on a daily basis, it was surely changed the landscape of the financial world as we see it.
[00:06:38] But I don't think the powers to be, want that to happen. In my opinion,
[00:06:44] Dan: I would not disagree with you. There are definitely a lot of people who feel that. The system keeps certain, it keeps youth down for lack of a better term to keeping them financially illiterate on purpose [00:07:00] so that government and those in power can have control over them.
[00:07:04] I don't know that I subscribed to that theory, but I'm not going to disagree
[00:07:09] Eric: any of mine. What kind of world you would? Can you picture? It will be if the regular child was starting from elementary. Giving a financial class from every grade until eight till they graduate high school and those lessons advance as they go on.
[00:07:30] Dan: Wow. So your question is what would our world be like if that happened? Yeah. Yeah. Our world would look a lot different and I think it would look different in very good ways. When you look at things like. Well, when you look at financial illiteracy, which is exactly what our country is, we are a financially illiterate country and I should just speak to the United States.
[00:07:54] I don't really know what goes on in other countries and what effect the financial [00:08:00] education system has outside of the U S so I can speak to the U S and I would say that if every student. Had as you propose. And I would agree with you a hundred percent continuing education, let's say K through 12, about money and finance, that built, that was building and building until they left the school system.
[00:08:22] If that was true, our country would look amazingly different. When you look at things. The consequences of our country being financially illiterate. If you could just flip a switch and our country was financially literate, many of our societal challenges would lessen if not extremely, extremely decreased.
[00:08:45] So if you look at things like unemployment government assistance, that's needed. If you look at things like theft and crime that goes down, divorce goes down, domestic violence goes down, depression goes down, suicide goes down, bankruptcies, go [00:09:00] down the list goes on and arm. So if we were a financially literate country, we would be in a lot better place.
[00:09:05] Wow.
[00:09:05] Eric: Yeah. You touched a lot of topics right there and yeah, that's a whole show in itself, but yeah, I definitely agree. And I don't think people see that as the overall big picture. That's just how we here at raisin financial freedom, look at it. So your specialty is in as an asset classes is real estate.
[00:09:28] Why is
[00:09:28] Dan: that? Yeah, so my wife and I have chosen real estate is our main investing tool for a few reasons, but the two main ones are real estate produces, increased your net worth and more than one or two ways. There's actually four ways that real estate. Increased his net worth over time. And two, it's an asset that you can pass on to your heirs to create generational wealth that has so many different tax advantages that it's just, it's nuts.
[00:09:59] [00:10:00] It's a no brainer. It's the best way to pass on wealth to your children or your heirs
[00:10:06] Eric: on that know how can the. Whether financially literate or not cannot teach dear child about
[00:10:13] Dan: it. Yeah. It all comes down to knowledge. If the parent doesn't have knowledge on real estate investing, they have two options either at one they can learn and then teach their child nothing wrong with that.
[00:10:26] Or they can just send their child to the resources that are out there. So that they can learn about real estate investing on their own, and then maybe the child teaches the parent. Okay.
[00:10:36] Eric: When I think about real estate now, I think about passive income, those words come up. What is the definition of the passive income to you?
[00:10:45] And can you let us know some examples of it within the realm
[00:10:49] Dan: of real estate? Definitely. Yeah. Real estate and passive income are definitely connected. Real estate investing is one way to make passive income, which is one of the keys to [00:11:00] achieving financial independence. So I mentioned earlier, there was four ways that real estate increases your net worth.
[00:11:06] Passive income is one of those, which for real estate, we also call it cashflow. And so if I gave you a specific example, let's say I had a house three bedroom house that I didn't live in. I bought it as an investment process. And it brought in a thousand dollars of rent every month and all of the expenses, total $700 a month.
[00:11:32] Every month, I'm making $300 of positive cashflow. That's passive income and it's passive income because every moment of every day I'm making money, whether I'm sleeping out on a bike ride, working my other job or possibly working on that property. I'm making money in my sleep right. All
[00:11:52] Eric: day long. Yep. So let's talk about house hacking and the burn method.
[00:11:58] I had a show [00:12:00] earlier this year, I would say not last year, maybe it was last year, but I spoke to a military person. Where he was into implementing house hacking. And it was very good for, um, military people to use that method because they can apply for a VA loan where they don't have to put down a down payment towards a living, a dwelling or a multiunit.
[00:12:26] Tell me for you, tell me what is house hacking and how. The burn method could help accomplish that also. Sure.
[00:12:34] Dan: Yeah. There's those two strategies you're talking about there they're very different, but they can be combined. So I'll start with how sacking there, there's a few different ways to how sack, but I feel my opinion that our sacking is by far the best strategy to start real estate investing for.
[00:12:53] For young people or really for anyone, my wife and I, how SAC right now, we're in our forties and we have a [00:13:00] son there's just a lot of different ways to do it. But basically what you're doing is you're renting out part of your property while you live in it. And you're using that rental income to help EY your expenses, including mortgage and electric bill and lawn care, perhaps.
[00:13:18] It just helps you pay your bills. And if you do it, there are ways to do it, but you can live in that property for free, even though it is your, or it is your primary residence. So you mentioned like a VA lounge. Military. I work with a young guy. He was in the Marines. He's 19. When I met him. He didn't own any real estate.
[00:13:39] And he has bought a house sacking property, a house that has five bedrooms and he rents out four of them and he's living there for free. And he has all the other advantages to real estate investing. And it is, like I said, by far the best way to get started in real time. I'll put a quick in for a book that I think is super helpful for this topic.
[00:13:59] And that [00:14:00] is a book called the house hacking strategy written by Craig up. So for someone who's looking to learn about that strategy, I'd recommend that book, but there's different podcasts and blogs that specialize. On how second as well. And so if you switch gears here and you go to the burn method, which is B R R, and that stands for buy rehab rent, refinance, repeat, that's also a method.
[00:14:26] My wife and I used have used on some properties. The idea there is that you, you buy a property and needs a ton of work. You rehab the property so that it's, it's a nice rental property. You rent it to somebody they're starting to pay you rental income. You go to the bank and you refinance that property.
[00:14:45] And since you fixed it up, it will hopefully, should be worth more than what you moderate for. So when you refinance, you can pull some, or even sometimes all of the money that you've put into it, the [00:15:00] renovation costs and perhaps even some or all of your down payment, you get that money back. You now have a mortgage on the house.
[00:15:07] And then you can repeat cause you have your money to use over again. So if you're going to combine the burn method in house hacking, which is doable, you would have that person buy a house. That would be a primary residence, but it's going to be a big-time fixer-upper and then you would fix it up. And then the renting stage would be you're still going to live in it, possibly in one of the rooms or in one of the units.
[00:15:35] Rents out the other rooms or units to some tenants, get that income coming in and finish the process. So refinance it and repeat. Yeah.
[00:15:45] Eric: Uh, and I don't know how sweet that sounds to parents, but when you laid it out right there, that sounds so sweet because you could take it even another level for military people.
[00:15:59] Well, [00:16:00] don't have to put a down payment down pitchy. You don't have to put down no down payment and you just paying your closing. Cause, and now you got the property. Now you apply to Bourmouth. Now you have money to use someplace else to reinforce.
[00:16:14] Dan: Yeah, I would agree with you, but I want to make sure your listeners know that if you're not in the military, it's still a great deal.
[00:16:20] If you're buying a primary residence, the military member can have a VA loan was 0% down. But if you're buying a primary residence and you're not in the military, you can buy a property with three or 5% down because it is a primary residence. And if you're talking about we'll just keep the numbers easy.
[00:16:38] If you're talking about a hundred thousand dollar house. And you have to put 5% down 5,000. Isn't really that much money to put as a down payment on a property. You do have to come up with the money to rehab the property if you're doing the Burr. But yeah, even if you're not in the military, these methods we're talking about, they are highly recommended
[00:16:57] Eric: and that's the key right there.
[00:16:59] Primary [00:17:00] residence make it your place to live in at the same time.
[00:17:04] Dan: Yes. So for the house act, you have to live there for a year. Plan to live there for a year, the burn method. If you did it by itself, it doesn't have to be a primary residence, but if you're combining them, yeah. You need to live there for a year.
[00:17:18] Eric: So how can the parent now, something like this could be intimidating for a parent or for a young adult. How can a parent help pull the veil away from that buying that piece of real estate
[00:17:31] Dan: for themselves or for their child? Yeah. So real estate, I would say finances. Investing. Everything in general can be a really, those can be intimidating topics and they can seem really complicated.
[00:17:44] But the truth is they're not, I think a lot of people want to make real estate investing and finance and personal finance complicated because they make them. When people are intimidated or think they're not that they're not smart enough to do it, [00:18:00] but really all these subjects are not that complicated and real estate investing is included.
[00:18:04] If you wanted to do a burn method, whether you're the parent or the young person, there's a great book out there called. Bird B R R R R written by David Green, read one book and you should be good to go. And I mentioned the house hacking strategy book before either, and you don't really need to spend years and years or even months and months learning these strategies.
[00:18:27] They're not that company. They do take work. They do take some sacrifice at times you're going to be doing, you might be painting walls when you'd rather be out having fun with your friends or going to the movies. So that's why not everyone does it, but in the long run, it's a, it's just an investment in yourself.
[00:18:46] Eric: Yep. That is correct. That is a definite invest in yourself because once you get that first property at multi on the belt and you do it again. Then you do it again before you know it, you have three and four [00:19:00] and what your thirties
[00:19:01] Dan: I would say. I think so. I mentioned earlier this a young guy I work with who's 19 in the military.
[00:19:08] He's looking to buy a second property before he turns 20. And I have a lot of blog posts and articles out there about how my passion is working with teenagers. That's why I'm a high school teacher. And yeah, you can own multiple properties by the time. 22 23, 24, man,
[00:19:29] Eric: that if I was able to do that, when I was that age, I would have a whole different outlook concerned.
[00:19:37] I think what, how would that? Absolutely. I think it just takes a different mindset.
[00:19:42] Dan: I would agree with that to use real estate investing as a tool for financial independence. It's not for everybody. Like I said, there's some sacrifice involved and there's a certain mindset that, that will get you there.
[00:19:54] But the good thing is that mindset is not specific to any certain gender [00:20:00] or ethnic group or income level. I've met young people from all walks of life that have this mindset to grow their wealth. And I think that
[00:20:10] stems
[00:20:11] Eric: back to what we started off talking about is the financial literacy, knowing your options, knowing that this option is there and that you're capable of doing that at that age or when.
[00:20:24] It's key. Yeah. It's so important. So then what is the sheikhs freak group?
[00:20:29] Dan: Yeah, that's the SHEEX freaks a is a community. It's an online community. I created a couple years ago and it's taken off. So it's the members in the key entity are anywhere from. About 14, 15, all the way up to about 25 years old.
[00:20:45] They're from all across the United States. People I've connected with here and there and everywhere, but they all have early, early financial independence as a goal. And for those who aren't familiar with that financial independence just means you don't have to work anymore [00:21:00] early. Financial independence means you're getting there decades before your average American pathway, which is 65 reaching financial independence.
[00:21:10] In your forties, thirties, or even twenties is absolutely doable with the right strategies and tactics and mindset. And so this community is for young people who are striving for that early financial independence who are interested in all different types of topics. So real estate investing side hustles, earning extra income, passive income.
[00:21:31] Frugality investing mindset. So the young people who are all in on those types of topics, they fit into this group. And once they're around others who are like-minded and have the same age, it's like watching wildfire, it just grows and multiplies. And it's been
[00:21:51] Eric: success. Have you seen in your group besides the one guy that already has.
[00:21:59] [00:22:00] Two properties underneath his belt at a young age. Yeah.
[00:22:02] Dan: We've seen a number of young people buy their first property rental property before age 21, before age 20, all of them, how sacking we've seen guys start successful podcasts. I shouldn't say guys there's boys and girls in the group. We've seen them start successful social media accounts where they're building a personal brand.
[00:22:22] I just talked to a guy Leo yesterday who had a ticket. Video that he put out there, go viral and a stat like 10 million views on Tik TOK, entrepreneurship. These young people are building side hustles that run the gamut, like all these amazing different strategies and they're making extra money while they're in school or.
[00:22:41] Maybe just graduated out of high school and they're exercising frugality in a way that they're still enjoying life, but they're only spending money on things they value and they're just saving money, like crazy. 40, 50, 60% of their income is reinvested into their future so that they can reach that early financial [00:23:00] independence.
[00:23:01] Eric: Once again, that stems back to the financial landscape that we. Pitcher that group getting even larger and becoming majority of the United States. It would change everything. And I think that's the problem right there, which your group you've opened up options for the young, as opposed to the options that, that the group that a normal child would not know of just going through the school system.
[00:23:31] Dan: Exactly. Yeah. And the Sheikh street group is about presenting options. Just like you said, Eric, I never tell anyone what they should do. I just present other information, present other strategies, present other options and opportunities, but it's always the individual's choice because our group focuses on early financial independence.
[00:23:51] But that's not to say that working in a job until you're 65 is wrong. It's a very noble way to live. And it's worked for millions of people. There's nothing wrong with [00:24:00] that. But how much more powerful are you when you know that there is a different option or other options, and then you get to choose what you think fits best for your life.
[00:24:10] What hidden
[00:24:12] Eric: pitfalls with real estate that prevents young adults from
[00:24:16] Dan: the number one roadblock for young people to get into real estate is the income history. You really need four things to invest in real estate. Uh, you need the knowledge, which again, It's not that complicated. Some books, some podcasts, maybe some YouTube videos enough and everything you need is a good credit score, which again is not complicated.
[00:24:38] And if you start billing credit on your 18th birthday, or even before, if your parents let you have an authorized credit card. You'll have a credit score. That's good enough to buy property by the time you're 20, you also need some money saved up for that small down payment or closing costs in some initial rehab with the fourth thing you need is that income [00:25:00] history pretty much.
[00:25:00] Everybody's going to need to borrow money to buy that first property and a lender. Isn't going to give money to somebody unless they know they can make their payments. And so teenagers and college students have a hard time. Showing the lender that they have an income history that will allow them to make those payments on time every month.
[00:25:18] The one workaround that works best is to have usually parents, but someone else co-sign on the mortgage, the parents knowing full well that the young person is going to make the payments themselves. But the lender feels more sure that if the young person doesn't, they can go after the parent. So it's a big decision.
[00:25:36] The parents need to be aware of what they're getting into. If you're a young person and you don't have a co-signer, you just can't find it. There's some other options, but worst case, you just got to get a job for a couple of years, that makes a decent wage, and then you can buy a property at the end of two years.
[00:25:52] Eric: Well, food for thought there. Definite, I didn't think about it that way. The parent getting involved. Because [00:26:00] most parents, some parents don't want to get involved, but if it's an investment property, not a single home. That's another story now. So yeah, that's food for thought. Definitely. Dan, what is the best piece of advice you can give a parent to get their child involved in real
[00:26:17] Dan: estate piece of advice for parents to get their child involved in real estate for talking about, say teenagers, 15 to 20, somewhere in there, they pay attention to things like Instagram.
[00:26:28] Tik TOK, YouTube. So to meet them on their playing field and show them some great YouTube channels that are about real estate investing, show them some great podcasts or some great social media accounts that are about real estate investing to peak their interest, to show them that what is possible. And whether you understand it yourself or not as a parent, you, why not learn right along with.
[00:26:56] They make it and make it a quote-unquote class that you both are taking [00:27:00] together. Yup.
[00:27:01] Eric: Yup. I'm always for that. Definitely learning together. So Dan, I want to thank you for coming on the show and sharing with us and getting us more familiar with real estate. Can you let us know exactly what you got going on in the future and how can we get in contact with you in order to continue to do.
[00:27:21] Conversation,
[00:27:22] Dan: definitely to get in contact with me, please reach out I'm on Instagram D SHEEX, you can DM me there or send me an email, which would be dan@sheexfreaks.com. Uh, SHEEX freaks is my last name. S H E K. And then F R E a K S my website, Sheik streaks.com is a great place to send some young people.
[00:27:47] There's great, great blog articles, videos, book recommendations, and our online community is going to we're switching platforms. So right [00:28:00] around October of 2021, this year, we'll be launching a new platform. And specifically for young people who are. Interested in real estate and early financial independence.
[00:28:11] And that will, that'll be all the information will be on the website.
[00:28:15] Eric: All right. Any other projects you may have going
[00:28:18] Dan: on? Yeah, I have a book coming out, which is going to be published by bigger pockets. It will be released in no late November of 2021. The book is called first to a million. And the subtitle is a teenager's guide to achieving early financial freedom.
[00:28:36] So it's, it just really sums up everything we just talked about. So if you have a, a young person in your life, a teenager who you think would be interested in this type of stuff, I think November 23rd is the day that it will be available on biggerpockets.com. Maybe get him that book as a holiday gift house.
[00:28:54] Eric: How about that? I like it. I like the title too. [00:29:00] Yeah. All right, Dan, once again, thank you for coming on the show and we will definitely look out for that. Okay.
[00:29:06] Dan: Appreciate it so much, Eric. Keep doing what you're making. Same. Good fight. Just trying to increase financial literacy, especially with our young people.
[00:29:15] So I appreciate what you do as well. There,
[00:29:19] Eric: I love exposing options that our children have today that we never knew that we had before I say it one more time. I love exposing options that will make my child. And your children much better financially when they grow up. I want to thank them one more time for coming on and sharing with.
[00:29:41] Hopefully I could get them back on his show in order to share some more nuggets or more information on real estate investing for our children. Now, what I've taken out of our conversation is don't assume something is overly complicated on just the basis of assumption. Find out, [00:30:00] dig deep and learn about it.
[00:30:01] Also make sure your child or children know about their art. All of them expose them to as much options as you can. I know for a fact, many of us would have done things, all of that different oil, a little bit different. If we knew all the options that we had available to us, I don't want to go, but I have to go too busy making the next episode.
[00:30:27] But there is one thing I would like you to do for me is to. Share with other parents, let this knowledge spread out like wildfire sharing with other parents helps me out. And it helps out all your other friends who are parents out there. Watch out for our Twitter feed, where we are going to start asking questions of the parents.
[00:30:49] On the topic that we are going to be talking about next. So we'll ask a question on a certain topic and you will get to post your question. You would like to hear this [00:31:00] will own a B on our Twitter feed. So until next time stay safe.
[00:31:05] Introducer: We really hope you enjoy this episode of financial freedom. The podcast stay connected with us directly through raising financial freedom.com.
[00:31:14] You can also join the discussion on social media, which you can also find links on our website. If you would like to speak with us, please send us an email through info@raisingfinancialfreedom.com and as always thank you for pushing your mindset towards a better return. This concludes the most thought provoking portion of your day.
[00:31:33] Don't forget to please like, and subscribe to stay fully up to date until next time. Be kind to yourself and each other. .